Monday, September 21, 2009

Miniature Show Prep & Update

More soon, but August and September have been busy months for me as I prepare for several miniature shows. Several of my eye portraits below are included in "It's a Small World," a miniature show at Elder Street Gallery in Houston, Texas, which opened Saturday, Sept. 19, and runs through October 4, and until my next eye portrait post, here is a link to see what else I am currently painting in miniature: The Ruby Slippers


Karen Bruson said...

Good luck with your show. Your eye portraits are wonderful, and thanks, it feels so good to be back.

Debra Keirce said...

Hi Mona - I was wondering if you were still doing the eye portraits. What a great concept!

Mona Diane Conner said...

Thanks for asking Deb. Yes, I still love doing them, but I haven't had any commissions to post lately. Do you want to commission one?